Shipping and Delivery

We strive to provide expedited shipping for all orders. We make every effort to fulfill orders swiftly and efficiently, working closely with our logistics partners to ensure timely shipments.
UK and International Shipping
We ship to the European Union and the United Kingdom. For our customers, we offer two delivery options:
1-2 Days: For those who need their items quickly, we offer expedited shipping options on many products.
4-6 Working Days: A reliable and cost-effective standard delivery option.
The availability of these options may vary depending on the speed of delivery you require.
For more details, including shipping rates and delivery times, please feel free to WhatsApp us or call us.

*For non-UK customers - Import Fees and / or any additional charges for customs clearance for delivery of items outside of the UK are distinct from and separate to delivery fees, and such fees must be paid by the recipient